Data Access with ASP.NET

To demonstrate how to use data binding and file management with Web Forms

Target Audience
Web developers with basic experience using previous versions of Active Server Pages or similar technology, who wish to start working with Microsoft ASP.NET

Familiarity with basic web technologies - HTML and HTTP; experience developing applications using an object-oriented language, such as Java, C++, or Microsoft Visual C#; familiarity with the Microsoft Visual C# .NET syntax

Expected Duration
140 Minutes


Data Access with ASP.NET

  • use data binding with properties, collections, method or function results, and XML files, and use the DataBind.Eval method when appropriate.
  • select the steps to add and configure a Repeater and DataList control.
  • select the steps to add, format, and configure a DataGrid server control.
  • create and configure a DataGrid server control.
  • access directory and file information from Web Forms.
  • select the members of the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes to manipulate file contents.
  • handle file and directory information using .NET framework classes.

  • Course Number: 204943_eng