Networking Security Fundamentals

To introduce the fundamentals of network security and the potential threats to networks and data

Target Audience
Students wishing to acquire the fundamental skills required to embark on careers as e-Business IT professionals; students preparing for the CompTIA certification exam IK0-002: i-Net+

A basic knowledge of computer hardware and software; a knowledge of advanced Internet concepts

Expected Duration
170 Minutes


Networking Security Fundamentals

  • identify common security risks for Internet-connected computers.
  • recognize how unauthorized access and virus infections can compromise network data.
  • recognize how denial-of-service (DoS) attacks operate.
  • distinguish between the different threats to wireless network security.
  • distinguish between different types of security threats.
  • identify the components used to enforce network security.
  • identify techniques used to detect network intruders.
  • identify the characteristics of common access control methods.
  • distinguish between different network-security components and techniques.

  • Course Number: 211518_eng