Solaris 9 Security

To explain basic Solaris security and file access control

Target Audience
System administrators of Solaris; experienced system administrators of other UNIX or Linux-based operating systems who are moving to Solaris 9

Familiarity with managing a computer system running under any variant of UNIX or Linux; experience in interacting with a Solaris operating environment as an administrator; experience in using the vi text editor

Expected Duration
240 Minutes


Solaris 9 Security

  • explain how to secure a Solaris system and the new security features that Solaris 9 supports.
  • view login and system access information and to disable logins for a Solaris system.
  • monitor and log users' access to a Solaris system.
  • explain special Solaris permissions and file permissions.
  • use the chmod and ls commands.
  • explain access control lists and their use.
  • read, create, and modify access control lists.
  • use the setfacl and getfacl commands to modify an access control list.
  • describe Solaris 9 remote access methods.
  • use the ssh command.
  • explain ftp in Solaris 9.
  • use the ftp utility.

  • Course Number: 76291_eng