Communication Skills for Leadership

In this course, you will learn what the requirements of leadership are, how to communicate your suitability for the role, and how to communicate with those you lead. Leadership is not the same as management. Unlike management, leadership does not require formal recognition of authority. However, it does place other requirements on the person assuming the leadership role. Before people will follow, they need to be reassured that their leader is deserving of both their trust and their confidence. Good relationships are paramount, and communication is the prime tool for building those relationships. Once you have been accepted as the leader, good communication will ensure that objectives are agreed upon, understood, and achieved.

Target Audience
Those within the organization whose roles require them to achieve results by being able to influence other people, and anyone who has responsibility for managing, supervising, or leading a team.

Expected Duration
5.5 hours

Lesson Objectives:

Establish Your Leadership Credentials

  • recognize the benefits of establishing leadership credentials with team members.
  • effectively communicate appropriate leadership skills and qualities to team members in a given scenario.
  • characterize the leadership communication strategies for responding to the concerns and complaints of team members.
  • within a given situation, respond appropriately to concerns or complaints voiced by team members.
  • identify appropriate methods of developing strong relationships with team members.
  • given details of the circumstances, use the appropriate communication to develop relationships with team members.
  • Communicate the Vision to Your Team

  • recognize the benefits of involving team members in the goal setting process.
  • correctly apply the four steps to encourage team members to participate in goal setting within a given scenario.
  • identify correctly expressed S.M.A.R.T. objectives.
  • characterize examples of the five types of power.
  • use the appropriate form of power to influence the person portrayed.
  • Support and Inspire the Team

  • identify the benefits of empowering, inspiring, and motivating others.
  • recognize examples of effective, empowering delegation.
  • characterize the three types of leadership behavior that can inspire team members.
  • use appropriate communication to inspire a team member in a given scenario.
  • match examples of behavior with the behavioral motivators that they represent.
  • within a given scenario, use the appropriate methods to motivate team members to achieve objectives.
  • Course Number: COMM0005