Listening for Comprehension

Do you need to better understand the basic meaning of a conversation or presentation? If you need to be able to identify what is said to you in a more effective manner, then this course is for you. This course teaches you how to comprehend verbal and visual messages to maximize your understanding of others. Because this course teaches listening skills, certain sections of this course deviate from standard SkillSoft courses by presenting audio and audio cues without accompanying text. You will require audio to take these sections of the course.

Target Audience
A person at all levels of an organization. It is particularly useful to those who need strong listening skills, such as managers and team members, to be effective in the workplace.

Expected Duration
5.0 hours

Lesson Objectives:

Identifying Verbal and Nonverbal Cues

  • identify the benefit of being able to identify verbal and nonverbal cues.
  • identify examples of verbal cues, in a listening situation
  • identify examples of nonverbal cues.
  • Interpreting Cues

  • identify the benefits of interpreting verbal and nonverbal cues.
  • interpret the relationship between verbal and nonverbal cues and a message, given a scenario.
  • identify examples of deceptive body language and verbal cues, given a listening scenario.
  • use conversation regulatory cues to maintain a conversation, in a given scenario.
  • Understanding What You Hear

  • identify the benefits of understanding listening comprehension skills.
  • identify examples of strategies used for improving concentration.
  • identify the steps used to improve listening vocabulary.
  • listen to determine the main ideas, key points, and significant details, given a scenario.
  • draw appropriate inferences based on a given statement.
  • Checking Your Understanding

  • identify the benefits of understanding a message.
  • use principles of good questioning to check understanding of what a speaker said, given a scenario.
  • paraphrase the key ideas heard in a listening scenario.
  • Understanding in Special Listening Situations

  • identify the benefits of knowing how to understand in special listening situations.
  • identify examples of positive simultaneous thinking when listening, given a scenario.
  • identify examples of strategies used to understand the content of a quickly spoken message, given a scenario.
  • identify memory techniques.
  • sequence the steps for recalling a name.
  • Course Number: COMM0152