Understanding Writing Mechanics

One of the biggest challenges in writing is to feel confident about appropriately applying the mechanics of writing. How do you know what should or shouldn't be capitalized? When is it appropriate to abbreviate words, names, places, and business terms? How do you know when to spell out a number or when to use a figure? How can you get past those troublesome words that are commonly misspelled? This course gives you the answers. You'll explore the rules of capitalization and abbreviations. You'll learn some of the special situations that influence how numbers are used, and you'll get tips and techniques to make spelling troublesome words easier. Your creativity will be enhanced when you're confident about writing mechanics.

Target Audience
Managers, leaders, supervisors

Expected Duration
2.0 hours

Lesson Objectives:


  • recognize the importance of knowing the rules of capitalization.
  • identify examples that apply the basic rules of capitalization correctly.
  • choose the examples in which the rules for capitalizing names and titles have been applied correctly.
  • select examples of products, places, and things that are capitalized correctly.
  • Abbreviations

  • recognize the benefits of knowing how and when to abbreviate words.
  • identify examples that correctly use the basic rules of abbreviation.
  • choose examples that correctly apply the rules of abbreviations in special situations.
  • match abbreviations with corresponding business applications.
  • Numbers

  • recognize the importance of knowing and using the rules governing the written expression of numbers.
  • identify examples in which the basic number usage rules are correctly applied.
  • select examples of number use that correctly apply the rules for special situations.
  • choose examples that show the correct methods for representing adjacent and sequential numbers.
  • Spelling

  • recognize the importance of knowing basic rules, exceptions, and guidelines for spelling words correctly.
  • match examples of words with the rule that explains why each is spelled correctly.
  • identify examples of statements in which sound-alike words or word endings have been used correctly.
  • identify tips and techniques for becoming a better speller.
  • Course Number: COMM0203