Presentation Resources Available to You

This course is about making effective use of resources that can take the pressure off you--visual aids, questions, and making a team presentation. Visual aids are overused, and presenters are overdependent on them. You need to know what visuals are available to you, and be able to determine which one suits a particular need. You need to know what makes a successful visual. Finally, you need to be able to use PowerPoint and other software packages appropriately, with a clear idea of what they can do. Some presenters are afraid of questions from the audience because they seem to represent a loss of control. This course shows you that questions are positive opportunities to be grasped eagerly: they are a way of deepening your communication with the audience. But there are techniques to handling questions successfully, and they need to be learned and practiced. Sometimes, a speaker needs to appear in front of a client or colleagues and present, but as part of team. Each member of the team speaks, but the team members are collectively responsible for communicating the message. This course tells you when team presentations are appropriate. It shows you how to look and sound like a team, how to prepare and practice together, and how to apply techniques that reinforce, rather than undermine, your collective relationship.

Target Audience
Anyone in an organization who needs the skills to inform, persuade and convince colleagues or clients by means of presentations

Expected Duration
5.0 hours

Lesson Objectives:

Making the Most of Visual Aids

  • recognize the benefits of using visual aids effectively.
  • identify statements that associate types of visual aids with specific uses.
  • determine how speakers could improve their presentations through the effective use of visual aids.
  • make appropriate use of computer-aided slides to enhance a presentation in a given scenario.
  • Dealing with Questions during Your Presentation

  • recognize the value of making appropriate use of questions in a presentation.
  • determine a speaker's success in handling the question-and-answer phase of a presentation scenario.
  • ask appropriate questions to elicit a desired response from an audience in a presentation scenario.
  • determine how a speaker could improve his performance in taking questions from an audience in a given scenario.
  • Effective Team Presentations

  • recognize the benefits of making team presentations.
  • determine the circumstances that require a team presentation.
  • prepare appropriately for a team presentation in a given scenario.
  • determine to what extent the speakers behave as a team in a team presentation scenario.
  • Course Number: COMM0303