Making Telephone Calls Count

Whether you handle one call a day, or dozens, you have the power to make every call count. Is the service you deliver to your customers over the telephone merely satisfactory, or is it superior? When challenges present themselves, how well do you handle yourself? What do your actions say about your company? You may think telephone interactions are all simple and straightforward. The customer talks. You listen. But how well do you listen on the telephone? Are you missing key opportunities to address the caller's needs? Does the caller feel like she has really been "heard" and understood? By fine-tuning your listening skills, you'll be able to deliver truly superior customer service. Different customers have different communication styles. By tuning into each customer's communication style and responding appropriately, you'll make stronger connections and build better rapport. In today's automated world, sometimes, just the act of getting a human being on the other end of the telephone can be quite a challenge. While automated voice attendants can be annoying, so is getting a person on the other end completely devoid of personality and knowledge. As a society, Americans are becoming more accepting of automated voice attendants. They're everywhere. When a customer calls you directly, he expects and requires a higher level of service and proficiency and that special, personalized human touch that simply cannot be duplicated by a machine. This course will help ensure that you deliver that human touch every time to pick up the telephone. To make the most out of a call, you must be able to cue into the caller's feedback. You're not just listening to be sure the customer understands, you're listening to see if he is satisfied with every aspect of your business. When you're on the telephone, you can't let a single comment slip by. When you take the time to really listen, feedback can tell you a lot about what your company is doing right, and what it's doing wrong. In spite of your greatest efforts, you are bound to encounter conflict on the telephone. Many times, customers call you for assistance in resolving a problem. They are often angry or upset. Will their interaction with you add fuel to the fire or surpass their greatest expectations? By using effective techniques for managing conflict, you'll create satisfied, loyal customers. It is said that "the customer is always right," but sometimes, it is necessary to say no to a customer's request. The success of this transaction is all in how you say it. Are you harsh and abrupt? Do you anger the customer further or end the conversation on a sour note? No. By using the techniques described in this course, you'll learn how to say no so diplomatically that your customer will actually thank you and end the conversation feeling neutral, if not satisfied. Finally, by asking the right questions, you'll ensure your customers get the service they really need.

Target Audience
This course will benefit anyone who wishes to communicate more effectively over the telephone.

Expected Duration
3.5 hours

Lesson Objectives:

Delivering Superior Service via the Telephone

  • recognize the importance of delivering superior service.
  • apply effective listening skills to better understand the caller's needs.
  • match communication styles with examples.
  • apply the steps for customizing conversation to maximize effectiveness on the phone.
  • identify examples of the tips for humanizing interactions.
  • apply the steps for creating customer loyalty to turn neutral or dissatisfied callers into loyal customers.
  • Overcoming Challenges Via the Telephone

  • recognize the key advantages of overcoming common challenges on the telephone.
  • match the strategies for handling conflict with examples.
  • apply the strategies for handling conflict in a given scenario.
  • apply the principles for saying no diplomatically in a given scenario.
  • match the three types of questions to ask with examples.
  • Course Number: COMM0412