Leadership without Authority

Lily Tomlin said, "I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody." Tomlin could have been speaking on behalf of many employees in the corporate world who, despite having little authority, take it upon themselves to become leaders nonetheless. Becoming a leader, and getting results, without authority is especially important in today's corporate culture, where middle management and the concept of seniority are being replaced by a flat organization structure and intense competition. Such an environment makes the need for leadership skills especially crucial. In this course, you'll learn how to circumvent your lack of authority to get results through effective leadership.

Target Audience
Anyone without the direct authority to achieve the results he desires.

Expected Duration
3.0 hours

Lesson Objectives:

The Leader's Image

  • recognize the importance of getting results by learning the elements of a leader's image.
  • identify examples of ways to develop a positive self-image.
  • assess whether all factors have been considered to determine how to look like a leader.
  • identify examples of ways to demonstrate integrity.
  • The Leader's Way with People

  • recognize the importance of learning how to deal effectively with co-workers.
  • identify examples of ways to listen like a leader.
  • identify examples of ways to show understanding.
  • The Art of Persuasion

  • recognize the importance of learning the art of persuasion to get results.
  • analyze whether the principles of clear communication are properly applied in a business scenario.
  • analyze whether the process for effectively selling ideas is properly used in a given business scenario.
  • Applications of Leadership

  • recognize the importance of effectively applying leadership skills to get results.
  • identify examples of using hidden strengths to become a leader without authority.
  • predict the likelihood of someone successfully increasing his influence based on whether the steps for doing so were faithfully followed.
  • analyze whether the process for assessing risk is properly taken in a given business scenario.
  • apply the steps for successfully demonstrating flexibility in the decision-making process in a business scenario.
  • Course Number: COMM0513