Giving Feedback: A Manager's Guide

The performance of your business depends upon the performance of every member of your staff. Thus a key skill for all who manage staff is the ability to provide candid, constructive feedback about performance. The purpose of this course is to enable you to enhance your skills in giving feedback. The course starts by exploring the nature of feedback, and it then develops a practical approach to the feedback process, detailing five logical steps. However, in some situations it is not always sensible to use a standard approach and so the course concludes by considering how to cope with challenging situations, such as giving feedback to the staff member who is angry or upset.

Target Audience
Managers at any level in the organization, who have a responsibility for the performance of staff, as individuals or teams

Expected Duration
4.0 hours

Lesson Objectives:

Improving Performance through Feedback

  • recognize the benefits to the organization as a whole, and to the manager in his relationships with others, of giving and receiving constructive feedback.
  • identify the indicators of a learning culture.
  • distinguish between criticism, reinforcing feedback, and corrective feedback.
  • recognize the key factors to be considered if feedback is to be effective.
  • Giving Feedback--the Process

  • recognize the benefits of using the structured approach to giving feedback.
  • sequence the elements of the five stage model for giving feedback.
  • give effective feedback by applying the feedback model.
  • recognize potential barriers to giving and receiving feedback.
  • overcome the barriers to feedback, in given feedback situations.
  • Giving Feedback in Challenging Situations

  • recognize the benefits of using appropriate feedback strategies in challenging situations.
  • give constructive feedback to an uninterested recipient.
  • apply the correct strategy in order to give constructive feedback to a recipient who challenges the accuracy of your feedback.
  • apply appropriate strategies for dealing with an emotional response to feedback in a given scenario.
  • Course Number: COMM0525