Effective Use of Feedback for Teams Simulation

Effective feedback is an essential element of successful teamwork. Periodic reviews and discussions of how the team is performing, how individuals are contributing to the team's performance, and how the team is being managed, are all vital to ensuring that the team continues to perform at peak level. As a team leader, your ability to give and receive feedback will seriously impact the effectiveness and success of your team. Without a clear understanding of team dynamics and how to communicate feedback effectively to inspire and motivate, your efforts to manage your team could flounder. The Effective Use of Feedback for Teams Simulation will provide you with the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to effectively communicate feedback to your coworkers and direct reports and overcome barriers common to the process of providing effective feedback. Over the course of three scenarios, you will be exposed to several situations common to the act of giving feedback and each requiring thoughtful analysis and preparation. Additionally, you will be required to endure the criticism and feedback of your fellow colleagues and superiors, whether solicited or not. The Effective Use of Feedback for Teams Simulation is based on the SkillSoft series "Effective Use of Feedback for Business." Throughout the simulation links are provided to the following SkillSoft courses: COMM0521, COMM0522, COMM0524, and COMM0525. This simulation comprises three scenarios and an introduction.

Target Audience
Managers, team leaders, and other individuals aiming to improve the performance of their teams and direct reports through effective use of feedback.

Expected Duration
0.5 hours

Lesson Objectives:

Effective Use of Feedback for Teams Simulation

  • preparing feedback.
  • communicating feedback.
  • applying the feedback process.
  • overcoming barriers to feedback.
  • coping with criticism and feedback.
  • developing your team with feedback.
  • providing your team with feedback.
  • Course Number: COMM052S