Internal Customer Service: Conflict and Complaints Simulation

Complaints are an inherent part of customer service, and this is especially true of internal customer service. No matter the level of vigilance, problems will arise, and when they do, they must be greeted with quick and effective responses to ensure that business can proceed. The Internal Customer Service: Conflict and Complaints Simulation has been designed to allow participants to practice handling customer service complaints within the relative safety of a learning environment. Over the course of the simulation, participants will apply their conflict-handling skills to overcome a host of obstacles and provide excellent internal customer service. Special emphasis will be placed on the participant's ability to nurture a customer service environment that is open to and accepting of conflict and complaints. The Internal Customer Service: Conflict and Complaints Simulation comprises four scenarios and is based on the SkillSoft series "Internal Customer Service." Throughout the simulation links are provided to the following SkillSoft courses: CUST0142 and CUST0143.

Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, customer service representatives, front-line employees, and anyone who wants to improve the service they offer to their internal customers

Expected Duration
0.5 hours

Lesson Objectives:

Internal Customer Service: Conflict and Complaints Simulation

  • creating a complaint-friendly environment.
  • handling complaints positively.
  • handling conflict.
  • finding the root cause of a problem.
  • finding a solution.
  • negotiating with internal customers.
  • communicating with difficult customers.
  • Course Number: CUST0140