Sexual Harassment Training for Human Resource Professionals

If anyone knows about workplace behavior and how it can affect an organization, it's human resource professionals. They have the unique role of monitoring and modifying employee behavior in a way that protects their employer legally while still serving the needs of employees. This role takes a willingness to walk the tightrope of diplomacy, and no workplace issue takes more diplomacy to deal with than sexual harassment. Sexually harassing behavior can't be tolerated by an organization and requires immediate attention. Since human resource professionals are in the business of helping organizations assess and change behavior, they play a pivotal role, and it's important that they understand what sexually harassing behavior is and what it isn't. In this course, learners will be introduced to the legal criteria that can help them recognize when sexual harassment has happened. They'll learn to understand what hostile environment sexual harassment is by itself and when it involves tangible job detriment and be prepared to competently address both situations. To help human resource professionals apply what they've learned about sexual harassment, this course will also offer harassment prevention guidelines, methods for conducting sexual harassment investigations, and approaches to disciplining employees that learners can practice.

Target Audience
Human resource professionals

Expected Duration
2.0 hours

Lesson Objectives:

How to Recognize Workplace Sexual Harassment

  • recognize the importance of understanding what legally constitutes sexual harassment.
  • match the legal criteria for sexual harassment to examples of harassing behavior.
  • identify elements that, when combined, create a hostile work environment.
  • identify examples of sexual harassment situations in which tangible job detriment has occurred.
  • How to Handle Workplace Sexual Harassment

  • recognize the benefits of successfully addressing the issue of workplace sexual harassment.
  • choose examples of best practices for putting a workplace harassment prevention program into effect.
  • match the steps for conducting a sexual harassment investigation to examples.
  • follow the steps for conducting a sexual harassment investigation in a given scenario.
  • match each of the disciplinary actions that can be taken in a sexual harassment situation to examples.
  • Course Number: HR0183