Effective Interviewing Skills Simulation

An effective interview relies as much on the interviewer it does on the interviewee. Proper preparation, consistent lines of questioning, and established criteria for evaluation are effective tools in determining the best candidate for the job. The Effective Interviewing Skills Simulation serves to test the participant's ability to prepare and conduct an effective interview, handle manipulative candidates, and evaluate applicants. The Effective Interviewing Skills Simulation comprises five scenarios and is based on the SkillSoft series "Effective Hiring and Interviewing Skills." Throughout the simulation, links are provided to the following SkillSoft courses: HR0232 and HR0233.

Target Audience
Managers, team leaders and human resource professionals responsible for recruiting, interviewing and hiring new employees

Expected Duration
0.5 hours

Lesson Objectives:

Effective Interviewing Skills Simulation

  • questioning effectively.
  • creating model answers.
  • achieving consistency and reliability.
  • creating the right environment.
  • exhibiting effective social skills.
  • handling manipulative candidates.
  • impressing applicants.
  • evaluating candidates.
  • Course Number: HR0230