The Three Stages of Aggressive Behavior

Understanding the three stages of aggressive or violent behavior will equip you to deal with the whole spectrum of incidents, from the relatively minor to the life-threatening. You'll learn the warning signs and how to differentiate a low-level threat from an immediate danger, and you'll learn what kind of intervention is appropriate and effective for each stage.

Target Audience
Top-level Managers, Training Managers, Human Resource Managers, Functional Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders

Expected Duration
3.5 hours

Lesson Objectives:

Stage 1: Hostility

  • recognize the benefits of knowing the warning signs of stage 1 aggressive behavior.
  • choose statements that show how humans objectify and dehumanize others when they are spiraling toward violence.
  • specify instances of challenges to authority in a scenario.
  • identify how psychologists explain an employee's tendencies to be argumentative, blame others, and lie, when in an aggressive spiral.
  • identify circumstances that could be seen as sexual harassment, a warning sign for potential violence.
  • Stage 2: Aggression

  • recognize the value of seeing the warning signs of stage 2 aggressive behavior.
  • specify examples of a blatant disregard for company policies in the case of someone who is progressing toward violence.
  • identify a person in a scenario who should be closely monitored due to the warning signs of intense arguments and shifting blame.
  • identify a person exhibiting the warning signs of stealing and threatening in a scenario.
  • identify accurate statements concerning why an "I don't care" attitude is one of the most serious warning signs.
  • Stage 3: True Violence

  • recognize the value of knowing the warning signs of stage 3 violent behavior.
  • choose appropriate inferences to draw when someone begins having physical confrontations.
  • identify appropriate reactions--what you should do--when someone is carrying and showing weapons in the workplace.
  • label true and false statements about the realities of assault and battery, including homicide, in the workplace.
  • identify statements that explain what psychologists believe about suicide prevention.
  • Appropriate Interventions

  • recognize the critical importance of intervening appropriately at the various stages of aggressive behavior.
  • identify the appropriate type of intervention for each stage of the violence spiral.
  • analyze in a case study the stage of Harry's violent behavior and the appropriate kind of intervention.
  • analyze in a case study the stages of Martine's suicidal behavior and the appropriate kind of intervention.
  • analyze in a case study the stage of Gilbert's violent behavior and the appropriate kind of intervention.
  • Course Number: HR0342