Sexual Harassment Awareness for Employees

Sexual harassment can have a disastrous impact on victims, offenders, and the company in which the offense occurs. Training employees in the essentials of prohibited conduct is an important part of reducing liability and maintaining a professional work environment. This course helps participants recognize sexual harassing behaviors, and to identify the types of sexual harassment, the rights of the employee, and the responsibilities of the employer. It also addresses the issues for non-supervisory employees should sexual harassment occur. This one-hour course can help your company demonstrate its commitment to a fair, responsible, and healthy organizational environment free from harassment and intimidation. SkillSoft's Legal Compliance courses are developed and maintained with subject matter support provided by the Labor, Employment, and Employee Benefits Law Group of the law firm of Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green PA. To address compliance with California law, this course must be customized to provide learners with a means, while taking the course, to submit questions to receive answers from a designated human resource professional or other professional with knowledge and expertise in the prevention of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. This additional feature may not be necessary under other states' requirements.

Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, and employees

Expected Duration
1.0 hours

Lesson Objectives:

What is Sexual Harassment?

  • identify characteristics of the two types of sexual harassment.
  • recognize the benefits of being able to identify sexually harassing behaviors.
  • identify behaviors that are potentially sexually harassing.
  • identify an employee's rights relative to sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • identify an employer's responsibilities to protect an individual's rights relative to sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • recognize the benefits of a working environment where everyone is familiar with their sexual harassment rights and responsibilities.
  • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

  • identify the appropriate courses of action available to victims of sexual harassment.
  • recognize the rights of individuals accused of sexual harassment.
  • recognize what to do if accused of inappropriate behavior towards another.
  • recognize the importance of refraining from sexually harassing behavior in the workplace.
  • Course Number: LCO0201