Workplace Harassment

Harassment in the workplace is not confined to sexual harassment. Harassment can be based on all protected characteristics, including race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or disability. An effective harassment prevention training program must touch upon all of these categories. This one-hour course will provide an overview of the characteristics of various forms of harassment and what can be done to create a harassment-free work environment. It addresses how workplace harassment is defined, how to confront workplace harassment, and how to prevent it. It also offers advice on selecting the best course of action to take should you find yourself involved in an incidence of harassment. SkillSoft's Legal Compliance courses are developed and maintained with subject matter support provided by the Labor, Employment, and Employee Benefits Law Group of the law firm of Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green PA.

Target Audience
Managers, supervisors, employees

Expected Duration
1.0 hours

Lesson Objectives:

Workplace Harassment: Definitions and Standards

  • identify the acts introduced to prevent unlawful harassment in the workplace.
  • recognize examples of the categories relative to unlawful harassment.
  • distinguish between examples of different elements of workplace harassment.
  • recognize the benefits of being aware of harassment when it occurs.
  • Confronting Harassment

  • identify appropriate actions to take when you are the victim of workplace harassment.
  • identify steps an employer should take in response to an internal harassment claim.
  • select examples of the appropriate steps to take if you are accused of harassment.
  • recognize the benefits of successfully handling an internal complaint in the workplace.
  • identify the steps involved in an external complaint process.
  • Preventing Harassment

  • identify employers' responsibilities in preventing harassment.
  • recognize the implications for employers who fail to deal with unlawful harassment.
  • determine which steps to take toward the development and implementation of a harassment prevention policy.
  • Course Number: LCO0203